Wednesday, April 16, 2008

WES D actvity

During this activity.. i learned that the global water cycle creates different temperatures... depending on how much precipitation and heat there is. Rivers flow nd along with them they bring materials such as particles and dirt.The reason why during December the Northern hemisphere is colder is because the sun is lower in the northern hemisphere sky which provides less incoming solar radiation. This relates to El Nino because when there is a storm and the water current is strong from it more and more particles get carried throughout the waters. Wind from off the warm storm bring warm weather and more humidity to land.
I don't have any cites for this because I dont know how to work it so there is another internet.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

To Mrs. Grivins

Hey umm.. my Activity 4 isn't complete... well it is but you have to go to the top and press search blog to see the whole thing i dont know why tho...

Activity 4

This activity was all about putting materials into pop bottles and half of the pop bottles had paint on the top of them, then putting thermometers just above the materials not touching them, and having a lamp right above them. The point of this was to see which materials reflected most heat. The white sand with the clouds on it didn't even heat up really. I learned that when sunlight is cut off by clouds it blocks out the sun rays causing the weather to be cooler.El Niño is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures. This relates to the water bottles because when the water bottle had clouds the water didn't warm up much if any. The bottle without clouds definately warmed up alot faster and more than with clouds.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April Fool's Weather

The reason why the weather changed so much today would be results of La Nina. La nina is a cooling of the ocean surface off the western coast of South America, occurring periodically every 4 to 12 years and affecting Pacific and other weather patterns. Also, last night there was high pressure and then this morning Low pressures set in making it cold for us. Pressures and moistures make it so that weather is cold. The more moisture there is in the air the more likely it is for there to be precipitation, and then when there is low pressures that mix with precipitation then snow can be an effect.